Well, this is my last year to be a teenager. Next one is 20. Looking back at my post for the 18th I noticed some changes, like shortly after my birthday I did get a job. I did get a new car. I shaved my sideburns a few days ago but they'll be back. College isn't too bad, but my work ethic kinda is. I need to work on that. I even started writing a novel. When I finish it maybe I'll post a link on here. I might even post some stuff to the audio portal that was actually made by my grandpa and not me. I did encounter sex. Turns out it's not quite what I thought it would've been. She was a bitch though so oh well. Well I hope this website will still be around for my 20th, I'll see you guys then.
Enjoy being 19.....it's all down hill from there
Yep, everything is pretty cool from atop this hill, doesn't look too good down there though.