We're screwed.
Well that didn't go as planned
Age 30, Male
Shit wiper
Northfield, NJ
Joined on 11/3/07
911 LAWLZ. Idk, it's just a youtube series I found. They find strange, intricate ways to destroy snowmen. One time they used a makeshift flamethrower using a lighter and a squirt-gun full of gasoline.
I would personally douse the snowman in kerosine or whatever and throw a lit match at it. And maybe, even put some black powder inside of the snowman!
I want to respond to the message you sent me, but your inbox is full. I shall do so here:
At 9 hours ago, jakenator85 wrote:
: Do you really think I should join you guys?
We are impressed with your sense of humor.
Check it out: <a href="http://www.clockcrew.cc/talk/showthread.php?t=92182">http://www.clockcrew.cc/talk/showthre ad.php?t=92182</a>
So what'dya say? Right now we are trying to expand our control, re-take Newgrounds and branch out to other sites, as well as spread propaganda in the real world.
......What's in it for me if I join?
BLAST IT WITH PISS might actually be a coherent course of action in this case.
We're gonna need a lot of piss. Considering you have a lot of penises available, maybe you can help?
Try adding me on myspace when u get a chance err sumthing
I think I tried to request you...
Okay... Your new profile pics are really cute btw :D
Thank you.
I sent you a friend request... Please check your account on mypace... and... yeeeeaaahh.... lol indiana ones getting raped by an orange wtf?!!?! :D XD
Start (PM)ing me.
You can pm me now :3
You still there????
No, I went to sleep! :D
Othing a blowtorch can't fix
That is true. The same goes for Duct Tape.
That picture is made of win :D
The best kind.
Wheres global worming when you need it
Whatever happened? Just when the horrible things are actually ESENTIAL, it has to be fucking cold as hell!
Snowman attack ftw XDDDDD
I wish for us all to prepare for this.
This looks like a job for the Snowman Hunters. Fucking hilarious Youtube series.