Well, it took a while, but I have finally managed to get to Deity! Thank you SuperMarioBrosS, if it weren't for you, I would've never gotten this high in the ranks! Plus, I made a website for abusive reviews/flashes. If you want to help clean up newgrounds, and upgrade your whistle, then go to
In celebration of my new, and improved whistle, this is a party post!
Plus, a quick link to "Part 10"
EDIT: 11/13/09, .......nevermind
EDIT2: 11/14/09, Wow, it took just one day to get it back!
EDIT3: 11/25/09, I'm finally a Police Lieutenant! I feel as if it took longer than it should've to get it, but I still have it! Now that's an extra %14 to my voting power! Next stop, Police Captain, with an extra %16!
HAHA, Unlucky. It was Deity like 3 mins ago, what happened??
Read below.