View Profile jakenator85
Well that didn't go as planned

Jacob Ryan @jakenator85

Age 30, Male

Shit wiper

Northfield, NJ

Joined on 11/3/07

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Its about time!

Posted by jakenator85 - February 5th, 2009

i now have a banner! dont ask me what or where it is cause then you will be harshly insulted


its cool...but you should look at mines...its better...and its only a few weeks old...

took me 20 min to make

psst...you are a jag...and your banner is lame...no offence tho...

you have 1 point. you get 3 and you cant leave comments on here anymore

thats horrib..........whatever its nice

is it good or is it bad. you just said it was horrib(i guess horrid) and you said it was nice which is it?

Scared, I am...not...

But your banner doesn't really look good, just informing you...

2 points! better watch it!

Quick question...just want to know...

How do I go about getting that third point? I am asking, solely so I know how to avoid getting it.

Oh, and I really don't like your banner, just saying. The monochrome is...kinda hard to look at, and without any sense of symetery in the lines or circles, it just looks like a mess. Plus, the lines aren't really lines...they are just...blocky things...Mind you, I could not do that, even if I tried, but it...it just doesn't look good...

uuhhh, whatever, when i say stop, you stop or, bing, you get a point. spam shall also get you one point. depending on the magnitude that gave you that first point, sets you limit. be careful, you DONT have a third point, doesnt mean i wont hesitate to give you that

Thank you for the answer...I shall refrain from talking for the moment...[but seriously, people should join my unexplained war against contractions]

...........say what now?

bbbrrr is a fuckin faggot...so what if he dosint like yo banner...its just a start...its cool for a begginer...dont worrie dude...you can do better...for now its okay

w/e i really couldnt think of anything. i was just sitting at my computer, couldnt think of anything, and i just randomly remembered this thing we did in art class

oh well dude at least you tried...

wait a tick...so just because I am not a fan of his banner-because it just does not work for me-that makes me a faggot? What gives you the right to judge, Mr. royalsaint, huh?

According to this philosophy of yours, Mr. royalsaint, you are a faggot because you said someone elses banner just sucked, and you were an egoist, saying that yours was better. So why am I a faggot for trying to offer constructive criticism on what I think could be fixed?

Just wondering...

you also insulted it and didnt offer any constructive criticism

Oh, and I really don't like your banner, just saying. The monochrome is...kinda hard to look at, and without any sense of symetery in the lines or circles, it just looks like a mess. Plus, the lines aren't really lines...they are just...blocky things...Mind you, I could not do that, even if I tried, but it...it just doesn't look good...

That would be from my third comment, whereas the first two were jokes...

3 points, your out for a week!

Good for you.

i didnt really think ppl wood notis if i didnt make a post about it

thats a banner? IT SUX!

u suk dik cuz ur gay

Go ahead and insult me.

why? you aint done nothin wrong