View Profile jakenator85
Well that didn't go as planned

Jacob Ryan @jakenator85

Age 30, Male

Shit wiper

Northfield, NJ

Joined on 11/3/07

Exp Points:
5,744 / 5,880
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.50 votes
Police Captain
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

jakenator85's News

Posted by jakenator85 - October 4th, 2009

[The Extended BBS]
This is a website JekPorkins and I made together. He did most of the work though. It's an unofficial partner site of newgrounds. Since it's brand new, there's not much traffic. It's pretty much a forum website. Forums include General, Art, and Photoshop. Those aren't the only ones though, go to the site and find out more!

EDIT: 10/8/09, I now have a gold whistle! Thank you SuperMarioBrosS, if it weren't for you, I would've never gotten this high in the ranks. I will thank you again when I reach Deity!
EDIT2: 10/9/09, What the fuck.
EDIT3: 10/12/09, Nevermind that whole thing, after a lot of rewarding hard work, my whistle status came back up to gold! A quick link to Part 2 so you to can get this high in the ranks! Because all of us together flagging abusive content, it will be very easy!

The Extended BBS

Posted by jakenator85 - July 29th, 2009

Subscribe now!
They're awesome!
Here's the contest results
And they're latest episode!

/* */
If you have a youtube channel, subscribe! If you don't, make one, THEN sunscribe!
(Original blog post)
EDIT: 8/3/09, I am now a level 18!
EDIT2: 8/4/09, My first flash submission!
EDIT3: 8/4/09, My contribution to red remover!
EDIT4: 8/8/09, My SECOND flash submission!
EDIT5: 8/22/09, I now have a silver whistle! Thank you SuperMarioBrosS, if it weren't for you, I would've never gotten this high in the ranks. I will thank you again when I reach Gold, then Deity!
EDIT6: 9/6/09, Yeah, I no longer have a Silver Whistle, which means less weight will be pulled when flagging abusive reviews/flashes. This is all because Canas, an ex-Review/BBS Mod got hacked, while hacked he cleard a lot of reviews of their flags, and gave people penalty, causing the people who flagged those reviews (even the actually abusive ones) to lose major whistle points. So, I used to have silver, but now I don't. :( Cryfaic.
EDIT7: 9/14/09, I am now a level 19! Bye bye nailed 2*4, hello Tire Iron.....A Tire Iron over a nailed 2*4? Meh. At least now I have a voting power of 6.04, that plus my rank of police sergeant adding an extra 12%, making my true voting power 6.77. Yay!
EDIT8: 9/20/09, I'm now back at Silver! I thank SuperMarioBrosS so much for bringing me back to Silver. People seriouly, if you want your whistle upgraded as well, visit his Newgrounds Guide: part 2, as well as part 3, part 2 is more reliable though.

Subscribe to gamhunters!

Posted by jakenator85 - July 28th, 2009

He came so far and fought so hard, thought really hard and beat everyone down. When there was doubt, there was hope. When there was fear, there. Was. Otto007!!!! Not only will he recieve 3 awards, but I will also give him my friends brawl code so we can play! (My friend's because I'm over his house right now. But when I get home, I will give you my actual brawl code.)

So, here are your rewards!

The first reward is awarded to you for winning, only such an award can prove such a thing!

The second reward is awarded to you for being so determened. Seriously, you owned this contest!

And the final award, is a stack of cash for you to be on your way!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I'll keep this up for a little bit, then move it so the "Subscribe to Gamehunters thing will be back up in front.

Also, here's the Newgrounds London Meet!

/* */

Otto007 is the champion!!!!

Posted by jakenator85 - July 26th, 2009

This is your chance to prove yourself, dog eat dog, every man for himself. You guys have come far for rewards only winnable trough my contests. Whoever will win this, will win the final badges (yes, there are more than one this time). And there will even be an awards ceremony for the only three people who have done the best of all time, which is you're chance to rack up even more rewards! Get this and you will win 3 rewards! 1 for the contest, one for effort, and one for coming this far. Once this is out of the way, I'll move these news posts back so that I can have the subscribe to gamehunters thing back up in front. Answer all of these riddles to win. Here it is...................

1- A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50."

The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less.

In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

2-It has a golden head
It has a golden tail
but it hasn't got a body.

What is it?

3- What kind of cheese is made backwards?

4- What is the next 3 letters in this riddle?
o t t f f s s _ _ _

5- A box without hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

What is it?

6- Runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb!

What is it?

7- You feed it, it lives, you give it something to drink, it dies.

What is it?

8- A man was born in 1955. He's alive and well today at age 33. How is this possible?

9- I soar without wings, I see without eyes.
I've traveled the universe to and fro.
I've conquered the world, yet I've never been anywhere but home.
Who am I?

10- A magician was boasting one day at how long he could hold his breath under water. His record was 6 minutes. A kid that was listening said, "that's nothing, I can stay under water for 10 minutes using no types of equipment or air pockets!" The magician told the kid if he could do that, he'd give him $10,000. The kid did it and won the money. Can you figure out how?

EDIT: 7/27/09, I now have a Bronze Whistle! Thank you SuperMarioBrosS, if it weren't for your helpful guides, I wouldn't have been able to have come this far. I will thank you again when I reach Silver, Gold, and Deity.


Posted by jakenator85 - July 12th, 2009

I'm making the fourth contest. SupraAddict is tied with ihatesonic1 bith with three awards. I forgot to tell you guys, but if you could get it in five turns or less, you'd get three awards. Ten turns or less gets you to. Eleven or higher would only get you one. So, enjoy your three rewards SupraAddict!

EDIT: Finally got around to finishing the contest. Anyway, the contest is, what do these numbers mean? This is probably an easy riddle, but it should still be fun.

20 15 13 6 21 12 16

I'll keep the picture so SupraAddict can still get it incase if he didn't. What do those numbers mean?


Posted by jakenator85 - July 8th, 2009


The 3rd and semi semi final contest: Name these three cars and in order. GO!

EDIT2: Totally irrelevent, but a fat kid tries to dive.

/* */


Posted by jakenator85 - July 8th, 2009


ihatesonic1 is in the lead with 3 rewards. but with this next contest, anyone can tie with him. Here's your reward ihatesonic1.

ihatesonic1 won...again.

Posted by jakenator85 - July 7th, 2009

And, since you got it in under 20 guesses (you got it in 19), you get 2 rewards!
Now for the second contest: CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE.

This thing runs but cannot walk, sometimes sings but never talks. Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face. What is it?

I'll keep up the prizes so ihatesonic1 can get them.

ihatesonic1 won!

Posted by jakenator85 - June 26th, 2009

I will start five contests HERE, one after another. Whoever wins the most of them wins even more! This contest: Number guess reloaded. Remember last time? When you had to guess a 5 digit number? Well now, it's a 6 digit number! If anyone can get it in 20 guesses or less will win two badges! If not, only one. GO GO! SIX DIGITS!
EDIT: I just got back from massachussetts! Cape Cod to be exact. The drive to there was 6 and a half hours long and the drive back was 13 hours! D: Anyways, I'm back people! If you were wondering why I wasn't responding to any of yoyr comments or (PM)s, well, that's why! And remember, 6 digits!
EDIT2: Totally irrelevent, but kinda funny, it's Briefcase Joe everybody!

/* */
EDIT3: Locked

Posted by jakenator85 - May 14th, 2009

subscribe now!

they're awesome!

forgot to mention their website
http://www.freewebs.com/joshgamehunter /

EDIT: better picture of him
EDIT2: putting up this picture TEMPORARILY (for a contest(have no idea wtfs going on))
EDIT3: he said i had to draw my own picture, so i drew you a cup of water!
EDIT4: took the water picture down, turns out i have to draw something by hand so fuck dat shit, I'm putting the picture of josh back up
EDIT5: Totally unrelated, yet funny and epic both at the same time

/* */
EDIT6: 6/16/09, I'm a police seargent now!
EDIT7: I submitted something to the art portal!
EDIT8: I'm a level 17 now!

subscribe to gamehunters!